For Skyworth & Spectrum Modem: CM5200G2 / CM5200-A / CM5100G2
1. Open Chrome or Browser
2. Type in URL: or
3. Enter your username & password
Default Username: Blank
Default Password: admin
4. Click Login
5. Go to Wireless
6. Go to Primary Network (Select 2.4G or 5G)
Under Wireless Primary Network 2.4G Basic Network:
a. To change Network name by editing: SSID Name
b. To change WiFi Network password by editing: WPA Pre-SharedKey
c. After Changing the Name and Password click Apply
Under Wireless Primary Network 5G Basic Network:
a. To change Netwrok name by editing: SSID Name
b. To change WiFi Network password by editing: WPA PreSharedKey
c. After Changing the Name and Password click Apply
*For better WiFi experience you can Set SAME SSID and Password to both 2.4ghz and 5ghz.
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